About the Banquet
The Brotherhood Banquet was started in February, 1965 by William J. Harris (RIASOK Shrine Club) and Thomas R. Clark, Sr. (Knights of Columbus). Every year, members of the Elizabethtown Knights of Columbus and the RIASOK Shrine Club work together to raise money for Kosair for Kids. Since its inception 60 years ago, the Brotherhood Banquet has raised over $900,000 for Kosair for Kids. Children in the Elizabethtown community benefit from this support through both the Kosair for Kids Financial Assistance Program, which provides assistance for families in need of help with their children's medical bills, as well as the Kosair for Kids' Gifts and Grants Program which provides financial support to local non-profits serving children.
Over the years, funds raised from this event have been invested in making life better for the children and families in our local community. Recently, Hardin Memorial Health Foundation received funding for the new NICU through the Kosair for Kids Gifts and Grants Program.
All proceeds go to Kosair for Kids. Between an in-person auction, ticket sales, and a raffle, thousands of dollars are brought into the charity, which helps with various needs such as helping with medical expenses when insurance runs out.
Our History
- 1965 1st Brotherhood Banquet
- 1967 Largest Contribution Except Jefferson County
- 1975 Brotherhood
- 2002 Shriners and Knights Continue Tradition of Helping Kosair for Kids
- 2004 Shriners and Knights Coming Together to Help the Kids
- 2005 Brotherhood Banquet still thriving 40 years later
- 2005 The power of partnership
- 2020 Brotherhood Banquet proceeds benefit Kosair for Kids
- Brotherhood Banquet more than triples goal
- Brotherhood Spans Test of Time
- Donor Spotlight: 54th Annual Brotherhood Banquet
- Elizabethtown Knights of Columbus honored
- High Flyers Brotherhood Banquet
- High Flyers 46th Annual Brotherhood Banquet
- Kosair Dining Room is THE PLACE!
- Kosair Kid Alex Nelson
- Kosair Kid Caleb Clark
- Kosair Kid Donald VanGosen
- Kosair Kid Johnathon Boles
- Kosair Kid Samantha Duncan
- Kosair Kid Lexi Palmer
- Partnering To Help Children
- Shriners, KCs donate over $14,000
- Shriners and Knights Continue Tradition of Helping Kosair for Kids
- Shriners and Knights Continue Tradition of Helping Kosair for Kids
- The Brotherhood celebrates anniversary
- Shriners and Knights raise thousands for Kosair for Kids